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2024 Election Resources for Catholics in Michigan

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Strengthening Marriages and Families

Economic and social policies as well as organization of the work world should be continually evaluated in light of their impact on the strength and stability of family life.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Economic Justice for All, No. 93

Marriage and family life is the core social institution, directed toward establishing a foundation of success for children.

The institution of marriage between one man and one woman and the raising of children should be encouraged and supported. At the same time, attention and resources should be directed toward situations where the family structure has broken down and negatively impacted children.

To strengthen marriage and family life and promote the wellbeing of children in all circumstances, MCC supports:

Foundational Documents

News Releases

  1. Final State Budget Reflects Priorities—and People—Michigan Policymakers are Willing to Support (07/24/24)
  2. Despite International Alarms Over the Practice, Legislature Moving to Legalize Compensated Surrogacy Contracts (03/14/24)
  3. Michigan Catholic Conference Helps Launch Statewide Campaign to Oppose Abortion-on-Demand Constitutional Proposal (05/24/22)
  4. To Promote Dignity and Work, MCC Encourages Support for Proposed Increase to Michigan Earned Income Tax Credit (01/26/22)
  5. Statement on Proposed Ballot Effort to Enshrine Abortion in Michigan’s Constitution (01/07/22)

Additional Resources

  1. The Word from Lansing Column:
    1. The Infinite Dignity of Each Person Must Shape Our Public Policies (06/25/24)
    2. Public Policy Decisions Should ‘Go to the Margins,’ Too (04/17/24)
    3. In This Year’s Legislation and Budget, Make Family the Priority (02/09/24)
    4. Five Legislative Issues Catholics Should Know About in 2024 (01/09/24)
    5. Twenty Years After Charter, Church is a Safe Place for Children (09/15/23)
  2. Proposal 1—Say No to Recreational Marijuana (Focus Essay, 10/2018)
  3. Transportation, Community, and the Common Good (Focus Essay, 7/2016)
  4. Confronting Violence in Society (Focus Essay, 9/2015)
  5. Statement Regarding Decision Overturning Michigan’s Marriage Amendment (Michigan Bishops, 3/21/14)
  6. Human Trafficking: Modern Day Slavery in Our Midst (Focus Essay, 2/2014)
  7. A Call to Prayer for Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty (USCCB Prayer Intention, 2013)
  8. USCCB Initiative: For Your Marriage
  9. USCCB Initiative: Por tu Matrimonio
  10. USCCB Initiative: Marriage: Unique for a Reason
